Unbundled Hearing Aid After-Care Packages
Unique to the Hearing Aid Industry in WA, we offer our services and hearing aid after-care separately from our hearing aid prices. This is known as unbundling. For more information about why hearing aid unbundling prices is a better and fairer way to fit hearing aids, click here.
We call our packages the Plus After-Care packages, and they come in three types: Plus 1, Plus 1 and Plus 3, and all include our own specialised Hearing Aid Rehabilitation Program - RehabPlus.
Basically, the packages all refer to how long we will clinically support and maintain the hearing aid in face-to-face consultation.
Our Unbundled Hearing Aid After-Care packages are priced per the individual, so the price is the same whether you have one or two hearing aids, FM system, Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) or Middle-Ear Implant (SoundBridge).
This is different to the warranty support of the hearing aid, which is usually two or three years. We will always honour the manufacturer's warranty independently from whichever After-Care package you may be on.
Below are details of our Plus After-Care Packages.
Package - PLUS ONE

Price : $ 290
- Initial Fitting of Hearing Aids and Follow-up.
- As many visits as you want for ONE (1) Year of After-Care from date of fitting.
- Full Annual Hearing Test 12 months from date of fitting including medical report.
- Full Rehabilitation program - RehabPlus
- Full Hearing Aid Training.
- 1 yr supply of hearing aid batteries.
Package - PLUS TWO

Price : $ 530
- Initial Fitting of Hearing Aids and Follow-up.
- As many visits as you want for TWO (2) Years of After-Care from date of fitting.
- Full Annual Hearing Test every year for 2 years including medical report.
- Full Rehabilitation program - RehabPlus
- Full Hearing Aid Training.
- 2 yr supply of hearing aid batteries.
Package - PLUS THREE

Price : $ 750
- Initial Fitting of Hearing Aids and Follow-up.
- As many visits as you want for THREE (3) Years of After-Care from date of fitting.
- Full Annual Hearing Test every year for 3 years including medical report.
- Full Rehabilitation program - RehabPlus
- Full Hearing Aid Training.
- 3 yr supply of hearing aid batteries.